授業報告(3週目) ゼミ生のチームビルディング活動

(English follows below)


ゲームの最後にはみんなで、今年の活動のキーワードであるMERO SATHI(ネパール語で「私の友達」)の人文字を作って写真を撮りました(全然うまくできませんでした)。

Today was the third time taking Pro. Seki's seminar. We played a game to break the ice. We were given some photos taken at the university, the task for each group was to find the location where the pictures were taken. It was harder than it seemed, since the pictures were taken at locations we rarely go, such as the pay-phone near the convenience store and a mill behind the school building. It felt like a small journey. After playing this game, we had a meeting to decide the details of some upcoming events. At the professor's office, we had some snacks to boost our ideas and put nutrition into good usage. We have just set Mero Sathi TV and shot our first video. Hopefully, it will be a popular channel one day.

授業報告(2週目) 自己紹介

(English follows below)



授業後には関先生の研究室に場所を移してお茶会。今後の活動についてお菓子をつまみながら話し合いました。なにかネパールの人々を楽しませるものはないか...? と、考え抜いた結果、次から次へと面白いアイディアが飛び交いました。今年の関ゼミメンバーの発想力は半端ではないです。準備が整い次第、関ゼミ初のネパール応援プロジェクト発表していきますのでお楽しみに!

Everybody took a step further in building a concrete friendship. We had presentations to introduce ourselves. Everybody made fun slides to share some interesting facts and stories about themselves. It's funny when some students who knew each other for some times just found out that they have the same place of birth and it's also kinda surprising to find out that some students already started their friendship since high school. Friendship is like a beautiful garden, the more you put into it, the more it grows. Our professor grouped us together, and now let us work the best to keep it blooming.


(English follows below)





Finally, the Seki Seminar 2017 has started!!!
On the first day we were introducing ourselves, even though at first everyone seemed to be a bit nervous -I think I can speak in the name of the others- the initial impression was pretty good.
We are all from different countries, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Being part of such an international class brings a lot of excitement to everyone. Our professor also introduced himself in English, while showing moments of his life on the screen.

We found him very interesting and based on his presentation, it seems he has a good sense of humor as well. From now on, let's try our best and work hard together!