異文化コミュニケーションの際に役立つ文化差の知識 (Three aspects of cultural differences) (6月5日授業報告)

( English follows below )



2. 権力格差

ハイコンテクスト文化とは、場面や文脈に強く依存する文化のことです。言葉以外の部分をよく理解しないとうまく対応できません。一方ローコンテクスト文化では、言葉(verbal communication)に強く依存する文化です。言葉で明確に述べないと相手に自分の意図は上手く伝わりません。日本はハイコンテクスト文化に属します。


(文責:加藤 裕貴)

1. Individualistic vs Collectivistic
   Individualistic culture is based on what the individual puts their priority on. In Western countries, personal development and growth are the priority. Whereas, in collectivistic cultures, personal development and growth are greatly influenced by groups. “The nail that sticks out is hammered” is the proverb that may best represent this. This highlights how collectivist cultures tend to prioritize the conformity and authority over the individual. Asian and Latin American countries are considered to be collectivist cultures, while the United States and European countries are viewed as individualistic cultures.

2. High power-distance vs Low power-distance
   We can also illustrate different cultures by using the following terms. In high power-distance cultures, people must accept their hierarchy of society or a company etc. However, in low power-distance ones, people don’t care much about hierarchy or social strata, so everyone has equal rights. For example, if you are at a meeting, you can express your opinions or ideas without thinking about the seniority of your peers. Most countries across Asia are considered to be high power-distance cultures.

3. High-context vs Low-context
   In high-context cultures, people express themselves indirectly, so that understanding non-verbal communication is necessary. On the other hand, in low-context cultures, people are expected to express themselves through verbal communication more. Japan is categorized as a high-context culture.

   The first step to understanding cultural differences is being aware of these aspects of culture.

(English translation by Kohei Ishigaki)



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)
