
<English follows blow>





  お風呂を済ませ、会議室に集合です。カードゲームのためかと思いきや、2日が誕生日の亮さんのための、先生も協力の盛大な逆ドッキリのためwent なのです!ドッキリは大成功で、とても楽しかったです。



Hi there. We went through an annual 2-day team-building camp from 1st to 2nd June. It was just amazing. we would like to share the experience with you.

~ 1st day~
 After having lunch together at Kokubunji, we headed to the TKU Musashimurayama campus by the school bus. It took about 50 minutes, but we felt it a very short time because we enjoyed chatting and playing games.

Soon after we arrived there, we started with practicing a Japanese traditional dance for the summer study tour in Nepal.  Chisato, who used to be a member of the dance club taught us how to dance it. We practiced so hard under her instruction.

After practicing the dance, sports competition followed. We were separated into two groups, one was called ‘Mr. Seki’s team’ and the other was Mayu’s team (Mayu is the student leader of the seminar), and competed in different games, specifically, the ball-toss game, the relay race with dizziness, the three-legs race, the volleyball, the badminton, and the basketball. The competitions resulted in a draw. We were so tired after trying all those games, but we had a fun time.  

After that, we cooked a lot of gyozas (a kind of fried dumplings) for dinner. We secretly put much wasabi (horseradish) into some of them. Unfortunately, it was MR. SEKI and one other member that ate the gyozas with Wasabi. Their reaction was so interesting!

 We were planning to play cards after dinner. However, because it was the birthday of one of the members was coming within a few hours we had decided to give him a surprise, and we made it! He was very surprised.

~2nd day~
 We were planning to cook rice balls for breakfast, but we had to change a plan, because the rice Mr. Seki kindly brought for us was too old (two years old!!! Unbelievable). As a result, we had ice-cream for breakfast!
After some activities in the morning, we had lunch at shabu-shabu restaurant and ate a lot. In the afternoon, we prepare for the classes we are going to teach in an elementary school in Nepal, etc. As the end of the camp, we went to the shopping mall nearby and took photos (Puri-kura). It’s cute, isn’t it?

Before the camp, we had thought that it was something serious. However, actually, it was really fun and we had a great time. Team-building is one of the important things of the camp because we will work together from now on including the two-week study trip in Nepal. We think our friendship was promoted through the camp.
One big news is that we got two new members, Kanta Endo, and Mayo Ozaki, for the Nepal study tour. We are so happy that they have decided to join us.
Thank you for reading.



ここで、北野 宏晃さんのプロフィールを簡単にご紹介します!



さらに、この幸せを満たすには『 教養力 』と『 人間力』が大切だと言うことも教わりました。




Today, Hiroaki Kitano, who graduated from Tokyo Keizai University 2 years ago, held a special session in Seki seminar.

Born in 1995, he had learned Aikido since he was in elementary school. He belonged in Kyudo (Japanese archery) club in junior high school, and Wadaiko(Japanese drum) club in high school. In addition, his playing Wadaiko is as great as he has won in big competition in Tokyo.
The winning in the competition gave him an opportunity to play Wadaiko in Singapore as a part of school trip. And then, cultural exchange with Singaporean student make him interested in foreign countries.

Well, let’s move to main topic of his session. His ideas of  is mainly divided into 3 points. They are
・Acceptable Happiness: education
・Capable happiness: hobby, additional lesson
・Givable happiness: giving one’s sense of values or services

Furthermore, we were tought that education and humanity is important in order to get those poits of happiness by him. Then, how can we improve them

The ways to do it are reading book, going trip, talking with people. They sound so easy to do. But according to him, keeping balance of pursuing them at the same time is quite difficult. Yet, once you have done it, you can spread the possibility which we can get chances to find of view or to get the happiness of receiving and giving education.

Thanks to his lecture, we could find happiness is not only one. And this lecture was a good opportunity to look back to how much we have ever felt happiness of giving.
Through this lecture, all member in Seki seminar look forward to our activities and events.

After his lecture, we had dinner with Hiroaki Kitano and other participants of the lecture.
It’s valuable time because we heard a lot of things which had not been talked in the lecture.

ベトナムの大学生による特別講演会開催!「Where Does Happiness Hide in Your Life?」

(English follows below.) 

  5月21日に、ベトナムのホーチミン経済大学(Ho Chi Minh University of Economics) 3年生、Phạm  Mai Lyさんによる講演会を開催しました。Phạm Mai Lyさんは、昨年の関ゼミのベトナム研修VJYE2018のベトナム学生リーダーを担っていた方です。今回彼女の来日を期にお時間を作っていただきました。

 演題は「Where Does Happiness Hide in Your Life?『幸せ』は私たちの生活のどこに隠れているのだろう。」

 今年度私たちはネパールにて2週間の国際交流研修を行います。この研修のテーマの一つが「幸せ」です。ベトナム人であるMai Lyさんの考える幸せを様々な角度からお話ししていただきました。なかでも「我々は過去に『失ったもの』に重きを置くが故に不幸を感じやすくなる。今身近にあるものに幸せを感じよう!」という主張は大変的を得ていると思いました。

    Mai Lyさんの考える「幸せを感じる秘訣」は以下の5つです。

・Positive thinking(前向きに考える)


・Healing Lifestyle(健康に過ごす)

・Mindset Change(気持ちを切り替える)

・Understanding the Reasons for unhappiness(不幸に思う理由を理解する)

です。実際にMai Ly さんが大学と仕事で忙しくなり、とてもハードな毎日を過ごしていた時期に、これらを意識したとのこと。皆さんも実践してみてはいかがでしょうか。

   我々は今年9月から「幸せ」をテーマにネパール研修に臨むわけですが、異なる国、環境の中で生活する人の感じる幸せに対してもより敏感に感じ取る必要があります。そんな中で今回のMai Ly さんによる講演会は我々にとって貴重な時間であり、学ぶべきことがたくさんありました。今回ベトナムの幸せを語ってくださったように、他国にも「happiness」という概念はあるかと思います。happinessという共通認識が、どこまで日本と共通していて、どのような点において異なるのか、今後も考慮していくべきであると私は思います。

 日本語訳なしの英語の講演でしたが、関ゼミ生は何とか講演を理解しようと、全員が必死にメモを取りながら真剣に聞きました。講演後は関ゼミ生とMai Ly さんで親睦会を開き、和気藹藹とした雰囲気で無事終了することができました。Mai Ly さん、ありがとうございました!
(文責 井上亮)

写真中央が Mai Lyさん

 Seki Seminar held a special lecture session on 21st May. The lecturer was Ms. Phạm Mai Ly, a student at the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. She was a leader of the Vietnamese participants of VJYE 2018 in which the Seki Seminar student participated last year. 
  The theme of her lecture was 'happiness′, which is deeply related to our seminar trip to Nepal this September.
  In the lecture, she talked about her ideas of happiness, including gaps in the of thinking happiness between different generations, how to find happiness, and so on. According to Ms.Mai Ly, the following 5 factors have an influence on the feeling of happiness.

1. Positive thinking
2. Flexibility
3. Healing Lifestyle
4. Mindset Change

5. Understanding the Reasons for unhappiness

  All of the contents were well organized and amazingly interesting. Especially I was struck by the idea: we tend to feel unhappy when we think “what we have lost”.
Furthermore, the lecture was only in English. It means we had to understand it without translation to Japanese. But all of the members tried their best to catch up with her lecture. 
After her lecture, we had dinner together at a Nepali food restaurant. We enjoyed talking in a warm atmosphere. 
This lecture made us consider what happiness means more deeply and carefully from different perspectives. 
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ms. Mai Ly for preparing for such a fruitful lecture for us.