2022年 12月20日 関ゼミのオープンゼミ開催!








 Last week, we had a rehearsal for the open seminar, and we finally held the open seminar today.

 First, Prof. Seki explained what the Seki Seminar is based on the website. The website contains everything about the Seki Seminar. Please take a look.

 Then, we moved on to "self-exploration. This was the main part of this open seminar, and the seminar leader, Mr. Horiuchi, gave a slide presentation. The content of the presentation was both shocking and wonderful, containing everything that one can gain from the Seki Seminar.

 There were some slides along the way, such as "The life of a super trashy university student" and "Dropping 20 credits on the WWW," but in the end, the presentation contained a very important message.

 After the presentation was over, we talked to some of the people who had come to observe the event.

 The atmosphere of this talk. It was truly the Seki Seminar itself. As a result, I think this was the open seminar that gave the most insight into the atmosphere of the seminar.

 For those who unfortunately could not make it to the open seminar this time or who are interested in the seminar, please visit the website first. And feel free to send us a message via the DM function on Twitter or Instagram, and we will respond as soon as possible!

(文責: 経済学部2年 戸崎)

2022年12月16、17日 「マルチカルチュラルフェスティバル」















 Thank you to everyone who attended and watched the Multicultural Festival on December 16 and 17!

 If you started reading from this blog, you may be asking yourself, "What's a Multicultural Festival?" Did Seki Seminar put on any events?" I am sure you have many questions.

 To answer your questions, this event is about "multicultural conviviality" and is held in cooperation with various countries and universities.

 Incidentally, the term "multicultural conviviality" is an important keyword in the Seki Seminar, and a simple explanation is "to look at oneself through interaction with others.

 So, why do I bring up this event in this Seki Seminar blog? The reason is that the "Multicultural Festival" originally originated from Seki Seminar, as you will see when you look back at this blog.

 This year, it has evolved into a large-scale event. This is a personal story, but since I, the blog writer, belong to both Seki Seminar and International Exchange Tutors, I would like to write a little about the other side of the "Multicultural Festival".

 First, on the first day, "Multicultural Dialogue," we invited Ms. Rajavi Mona, who was born in Iran and lives in Japan, and Ms. Hai Thi Minh Nguyen from Vietnam, who has studied in Japan, to talk about how Japan is seen from abroad. The second day of the event was more interesting than the first day, as the two had a great deal of experience together.

 On the second day, the international exchange tutors were more present than on the first day, and the event was held face-to-face.

 In fact, there is a story behind the event: it took a long time to prepare, and the crucial publicity came at the last minute. Until the day before the event, Dr. Seki was still inspiring us with his "It's not too late!" I still have a vivid memory of Dr. Seki inspiring us with his words, "It's not too late!

 As a result, more than 180 people applied for online and in-person sessions. The event was a great success. But then, the video did not play.

 The video did not play. I can't hear your voice. The audio didn't play. Various equipment problems confronted us. I was so frustrated and angry with the management that it was like a domino falling. This anger was against me, and I held my head high because everyone around me did their best to help.

 Finally, a word from Dr. Seki. I thought he was going to reprimand me, but he encouraged me, saying, "This was a good experience. I was puzzled, but he continued, "The important thing is to analyze what went wrong. He continued, "The important thing is to analyze what went wrong. Next year, I will make the event a unanimous success. I am now filled with such a feeling in my heart.

 Once again, thank you very much to everyone who came.

 As a matter of fact, near the reception desk, we were distributing materials for the Seki Seminar's open seminar to be held on December 20 during the 4th period. No reservation is required for this open seminar, so please feel free to come!

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎 瞭)

2022年12月10日 ゼミ研究報告会当日!

















「それでは、関 明典ゼミナールの発表を始めます。」

















 Saturday, 12/10. The seminar students met at the university at 10:00 a.m., three hours before the meeting time of 13:30, for the last practice.

Not many people had arrived on campus yet, which reminded me of the University of the Corona Disaster. At first, no one would have thought that such a large-scale seminar research debriefing could be held in person.

As we practiced, people began to creep in, and there were no empty seats to be found in the classroom where the opening ceremony was held. Even Mr. Seki arrived at the venue early and was surprised by the huge crowd. He was surprised.

The time was 1:30 p.m., and a sense of tension filled the room, which was dominated by conversation. Then, a voice came from the audience, "The opening ceremony was delayed due to a delay in the Chuo Line.

The opening ceremony will be delayed to 14:00 due to the delay of the Chuo Line. I was a bit disappointed when I heard that the opening ceremony would be delayed to 14:00 due to the delay of the Chuo Line.

At 14:00, the opening ceremony was over without incident, and the presenters went to their classrooms. Seki Seminar, which was second in the order of presentation, hurried with Prof. Seki to the classroom where we were to give our presentation.

When we entered the room, we found many students of Tokyo Keio University waiting eagerly for our presentation. Seeing this scene, I felt I understood the meaning of the phrase "seminar at Tokyo University of Economics," which I saw advertised on the train's strap.

And what I noticed in the first seminar I presented was that I should be considerate to those who are listening. The first seminar I saw used a pointing stick and other tools, which made it very easy to listen, a blind spot for those of us who had been practicing on the computer.

The bell rang to announce the time limit, and our ears could hear that the Seki seminar presentation was getting close.

When the presentations were over

Are there any questions?" the moderator began to go around the classroom. I didn't raise my hand because I honestly didn't have anything to point out.

I didn't raise my hand, but the teacher said, "It's good manners to ask questions in this kind of situation. Even if it's just an opinion, by all means!

I learned a lot. I learned a lot, but at the same time, I couldn't stop thinking about the pressure of what questions they would ask in our presentation.

Now, let's move on to the Seki Seminar.

We looked at each other and stood on the stage with the spirit of high school baseball players at the Koshien Stadium.

The classrooms looked very spacious from the stage, and the many gazes focused on us were as sharp as hyenas stalking their prey.

We will now begin the presentation of the Akinori Seki Seminar."

That gentle voice and lines that I have heard many times from Mr. Azumaidate seemed different from the usual.

Let them listen. That was all I could think about, and I don't remember now what I said. However, I still remember the applause at the end, which I could not hear in practice.

Do you have any questions?" I couldn't let those words out of my mind, which I had not expected to hear. Before I had time to wonder what kind of questions would come, one student raised his hand. The person sitting in front of me, dressed in a suit and tie, had the air of a professor.

To be honest, the question hit a very painful spot. We forced ourselves to come up with words out of our blank heads, but our answers were poor and made us realize what we were still lacking.

After that, the moderator also pointed out some data-related issues, and the bell rang.

We should improve on these two points. As I reflected on this, my hands were raised even though the presentation time had passed. Next, I received opinions from first-year students, four in total.

I was not able to answer all of them well, and time was running out, so it was not yet ready as a presentation, but I was personally very happy to see how much interest they had in my presentation. It was the kind of moment that made me truly glad to have participated in the seminar research debriefing session.

The presentations continued to overflow with applause, and the closing ceremony came.

I sat behind Dr. Seki at the closing ceremony and felt a little relieved to see his soft face.

Last but not least, a promotion!

We will be holding a "Multicultural Festival" on 12/16 and 12/17.

In fact, this event originated from Seki Seminar, as you can see from our past blogs.

With the cooperation of Prof. Seki, many other professors, and the International Exchange Division, about 30 international exchange tutors prepared for this event without losing sleep.

There's a QR code on the poster below, so sign up there!

You can join us in person, on ZOOM, and even in VR!

We hope to see you there!

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎 瞭)

2022年11月29日、12月6日 挑戦の1週間















「それでは、関 明典ゼミナールの発表を始めさせて頂きます。」













 Last year's seminar research report meeting was tough because the preparations started about a week before the meeting."

I was not surprised by anything I heard from a third-year student, Mr. Toukan.

At this year's Seki Seminar, I was fortunate to have many opportunities to meet with Seki Seminar alumni and OGs, and each time I heard. The seminar research debriefing was tough." And.

I decided to rewrite that history. I made up my mind three weeks before the seminar debriefing.

From there, I began my research and started typing words into a Word file with great enthusiasm.

On the 15th, during the seminar, I was in the middle of my research, so I showed him the manuscript I had finished, and he said to Prof. Seki, "This is not a presentation.

This is not a presentation.

This is not a presentation. I couldn't help but parrot his words.

I couldn't help but parrot back, "This is a redo, isn't it? I forgot the emotion of laughter and stood there in a daze.

The word "redo" is terrifying. With just five words, the meaning of all the hours of sleep I had lost so far was lost, and at the same time, the hours of sleep I would lose in the future would be lost as well.

November 22, two weeks until the seminar research report meeting. My mind swirls with impatience at not being able to finish and anger at my past self as to why I had not prepared until now.

The slides we managed to complete in such a situation were everything to the seminar students. In fact, I did not remove the slides from my field of vision during the time my eyes were free.

Now, please give your presentation."

Seki-sensei's voice quickened my heartbeat.

Then I will begin the presentation of the Akinori Seki Seminar."

Mr. Azuma's voice echoed.

Perhaps due to the repeated meetings, there were no major mistakes in the presentation.

Thank you for your hard work.

After the presentation was over, we took a breath when Mr. Seki said to us, "Now, let me point out a few things.

Now, let me point out a few things."

It was like a roller coaster ride. We were shattered by the words that were unleashed from there like a machine gun.

It was one week before the seminar research report meeting. There was no time to be depressed. I contacted Mr. Azuma more than my mother who lived apart from me. Of course, the content was all about the seminar research report meeting.

I remember that I felt more nervous than ever in the last seminar before the seminar report meeting. Even Mr. Seki said to me, "You seem to be in a hurry, Mr. Kiri. I wonder if human beings have an aura when they are in a hurry.

I finished my presentation. In this way, everyone said, "You did a great job! I was impressed!" and words like those of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. But what was Seki's first comment?

First of all, I'd like to talk about this point..."

This is the reality.

The seminar's final debriefing will be held on Saturday, December 10 at 13:30. It is face-to-face only, so I hope you will come to the university.

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎 瞭)

2022年11月8日、15日 調査の中で当たった壁






Once again, the seminar discussion focused on the contents of the seminar research debriefing session. In the previous session, we needed to understand the content of the 9-page English-language document to use a scale that can measure well-being called the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in this research. Upon further reading, I found that only five questions are used in this scale. From there, we created eight questions, including questions about gender, age, and origin. We cannot rest on our laurels after completing the questions. Next, we needed to write a letter in English explaining the purpose of the survey and the life satisfaction scale to the students in each country who would cooperate with us.

 When we asked Asian universities to cooperate with us in the survey, we were faced with another obstacle: the number of surveys did not reach our target. That is, the number of surveys did not reach the target number. The questions needed to include a free-response section for comments. However, we had very little time left, so we decided to use this number of surveys to analyze and discuss the results.

 Once one task was completed, there were two or three more to go along with it, so we had to read a lot of literature written in English. At first, we were intimidated by the sheer volume of English, but we gradually became accustomed to it.

 The seminar report meeting that we are struggling to prepare for will be held on Saturday, December 10, from 1:30 p.m. If you are interested, please join us. If you are interested, please come and join us!


2022年10月11日、25日 ゼミ研修報告会を進める中で・・・



 この「人生満足度尺度」とは日本語訳で、原文の英語では「Satisfaction With Life Scale」となっています。最初、9枚のスライドに隙間なく並ぶ英語を見た時は、思考が停止しました。






 The participation in the seminar research debriefing session was decided on short notice. The seminar students were left scratching their heads; in September, the survey items were completed, but many of the questions were found to be incomplete. The Seki Seminar was in a tight spot.

 Amid the silence, where the topic was at a standstill and even the sound of breathing could be heard, a seminar student, Mr. Azumaidate, found a research project. That research was a study of the "Life Satisfaction Scale.

 The original English name is "Satisfaction With Life Scale. At first, when I saw the nine slides lined up without any space between them, I stopped thinking.

 Nevertheless, when I learned that this "Life Satisfaction Scale" measures the "well-being" we are studying, I had no choice but to read it.

 Once we decided to read it, Dr. Seki said to us as if it were a foregone conclusion

 He said, "If you want me to ask students to do the research, I will ask students at each college to do it for me." If you want me to ask students to do the survey, I will ask students at each university to do it.

 Once that was decided, we had no choice but to do it. And so, we took another step toward the seminar report meeting.

 And as I read through the research, making use of the translation function on my smartphone, I regretted that I should have started sooner.

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎 瞭)

2022年9月27日、10月4日 ゼミ研究報告会へ向けて



 In the first (9/27) and second (10/4) seminars of the second semester, we discussed the seminar research report meeting in December and decided on a policy to conduct an international survey on wellbeing, which we had deepened our understanding of in the first semester, and to report what we had learned in the first semester and the results of our research. However, there were some flaws in the survey, such as questions about money and other questions that clearly differed between cultures, and the language settings of the questions were not consistent. The seminar students discussed and reviewed the questions and reworked them. In addition to the content of the questions, discussions were also held to determine the target of the survey, the number of people in the population, whether the necessary literature was available, and so on.

We are also planning to hold a lecture meeting at the same time as the international survey and will update this blog as soon as there is any progress.

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎)

2022年7月5日、12日、19日 講演会の振り返り、後期の活動方針に関して

 2022年7月5日、12日、19日はOKバジこと垣見一雅(かきみ かずまさ)さんをお招きして行った講演会の振り返り、後期の活動指針に関して話し合いを行いました。




 On July 5, 12, and 19, 2022, we reviewed the lecture given by Kazumasa Kakimi, a.k.a. OK Bajaj, and discussed the activity guidelines for the second semester.

We shared our thoughts and feelings about the lecture and discussed what we learned from Mr. Kakimi. One thing that was mentioned by all the seminar students was "gratitude. Mr. Kakimi himself often used the word "gratitude," and I felt that it was something he cherished so much that he said it was an element of his well-being. One of the participants from outside the seminar commented that "defining wellbeing is the furthest thing from wellbeing," which made all the seminar participants feel a sense of shock. We learned and gained insights not only from the lecturers but also from the participants. This is the essence of a lecture meeting, isn't it?

  The discussion on the second semester's activity plan took the form of a brainstorming session, with a focus on increasing the specifics of what we wanted to do in the Sekizemi environment after completing the activities of the previous semester. We decided to deepen our knowledge of well-being learned in the previous semester and to work on the second part of the plan, which is the practical part.


2022年6月28日 関ゼミナール主催の講演会

 2022628日は“OKバジ”こと垣見一雅(かきみ かずまさ)さんを迎えて講演会を行いました。垣見さんは御年83歳ですが、その歳を思わせない喋りと動きに驚きました。同日の関先生が担当している異文化コミュニケーション論の講義でも垣見さんはゲストとして登壇。その後、関ゼミにお越しくださいました。





 On June 28, 2022, we welcomed Kazumasa Kakimi, a.k.a. "OK Bajaj," for a lecture. Mr. Kakimi is 83 years old, but I was amazed by his age-defying speech and movements. On the same day, Mr. Kakimi was also a guest speaker at Prof. Seki's lecture on cross-cultural communication. Afterward, she visited the Seki Seminar.

 At the seminar, we asked him questions on the theme of well-being. Since there were many participants from outside the seminar and some of them had never heard of the concept of wellbeing before, Horiuchi started the lecture with an explanation about wellbeing at the beginning.

 The lecture lasted about 100 minutes. The lecture was not only a closed Q&A session between Mr. Kakimi and the participants but also a Q&A session and exchange of opinions among the participants, which I believe made for a fruitful conclusion to the lecture.


2022年6月7日、14日、21日 OKバジを招いての講演会の事前学習、事前準備

 202267日、14日、21日は“OKバジ”こと、垣見一雅(かきみ かずまさ)さんが来月の711日の授業にお越ししていただけることになったので、その講演会に向けての事前学習と準備を進めています。







 We are now preparing for the lecture on June 7, 14, and 21, 2022 by Kazumasa Kakimi, a.k.a. "OK Bajaj," who will be coming to our class on July 11, 2022.

 Kazumasa Kakimi: After graduating from university, Mr. Kakimi worked as a high school teacher and participated in a mountain climbing expedition in the Himalayas, during which an avalanche occurred and a local man who was accompanying him died.

 In the preliminary study session, the participants carefully read books that Mr. Kakimi had been involved in, shared what they had learned from them and any questions they had and actually wanted to ask Mr. Kakimi, and made a list of questions. From there, we prepared for next week's lecture by working on the lecture time schedule, the progress of the lecture, and the venue.

The following are books written by Mr. Kakimi and read by the seminar students

OK Bajaj: A Japanese man who lived deep in the mountains of Nepal, fascinated by the Bajaj villagers.

I want to be empty: OK Bajaj, an NGO with a single backpack that has been walking deep into the mountains of Nepal.


2022年5月17日、31日 ウェルビーイングに関する文献共有




堀内 「わたしたちのウェルビーイングをつくりあうために その思想、実践、技術」 

    著書:渡邊淳司、ドミニク・チェン他  発行年:2020年

東舘 「ウェルビーイングの設計論」 

    著書:ラファエルA.カルヴォ、ドリアン・ピーターズ他  発行年:2017年

戸崎 「幸福の測定 ウェルビーイングを理解する」 

    著書:鶴見哲也、藤井秀道他  発行年:2021年



堀内 「わたしたちのウェルビーイングをつくりあうために その思想、実践、技術」


東舘 「むかしむかしあるところにウェルビーイングがありました」 

    著書:石川善樹、吉田尚記  発行年:2021年

戸崎 「ポジティブ心理学の挑戦”幸福”から”持続的幸福”へ」 

    著書:マーティン・セリグマン  発行年:2014年




On May 17 and 31, 2022 (the 24th was a day off), each student gave a presentation on their assigned literature on well-being, followed by a question and answer session. 31st was a presentation in the presence of invited seminar students from the previous year.

List of literature covered on May 17

Horiuchi: "To Create Our Wellbeing Together: Its Ideology, Practice, and Technology" (in Japanese) 

    Book: Junji Watanabe, Dominic Chen, et al. Year of publication: 2020

Higashidate "Design Theory of Wellbeing" (in Japanese) 

    Book: Rafael A. Calvo, Dorian Peters, and others Year of Publication: 2017

Tosaki, "Measuring Happiness: Understanding Well-Being" 

    Book: Tetsuya Tsurumi, Hidemichi Fujii, et al. Year of Publication: 2021

List of literature covered on May 31

Horiuchi "Toward Creating Our Own Well-Being: Ideas, Practices, and Techniques" (May 17)

   (Some parts are omitted because they are the same as those covered on May 17)

Higashidate "Once upon a time there was wellbeing 

    Book: Yoshiki Ishikawa and Naoki Yoshida Year of publication: 2021

Tosaki "The Challenge of Positive Psychology: From "Happiness" to "Sustainable Happiness"" (in Japanese) 

    Book: Martin Seligman, Year of Publication: 2014

The presentations over the two weeks were followed by a lively Q&A session and discussion, which deepened our understanding of well-being, but at the same time left us puzzled. This is because, although we have read about 10 references including all the presentations, there is no definition of well-being anywhere, so we are unable to answer the question "what is well-being" which was the original intention of this activity.

 As can be seen from the literature we have read and the year of publication, the concept of "wellbeing" has not been around long enough in Japan for us to find a definition of wellbeing, and we are still discussing whether we need to find a definition of wellbeing ourselves.


2022年4月26日、5月10日 これからの活動に向けて





On April 26 and May 10, 2022, Seki Seminar consisted of self-introductions and self-disclosures by myself and a new second-year seminar student, Mr. Tozaki, followed by a discussion of the seminar's activities for the first semester.

 We introduced and disclosed ourselves to the seminar students over three weeks, and we were able to get to know each other's core aspects and values that our friends and perhaps even family members may not have known about.

 As I wrote in my previous blog, this year's activities will be centered on the concept of well-being. The word "wellbeing" was mentioned by Mr. Yu Iwamoto, who was invited to the SDGs lecture as part of last year's activities, and it was very impressive that he said that wellbeing comes after SDGs, and it became the axis of Seki Seminar's activities.

 To understand the concept of well-being as the axis of our activities, each of us was assigned to read literature and present our findings. I am looking forward to the next seminar.


2022年4月5日、12日 前期の活動方針に関して






On April 5 and 12, 2022, Seki Seminar held a discussion on the axis of activities for the first semester and self-introduction and self-disclosure by the seminar leader, Mr. Horiuchi.

 The fiscal year 2022 started with an unusually small number of seminar students (four) at the Seki Seminar.

Following last year and the year before last, the Seki Seminar has been affected by the coronavirus to such an extent that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the most affected seminar on campus. We have learned that we will not be able to conduct our main activity, overseas training, again this year. We discussed how the Seki Seminar will carry out its activities amid this headwind. To set concrete goals, we came up with ideas such as entering contests, organizing events, focusing on the concept of well-being, and exchanging ideas with overseas students online, but each member was asked to think again. Here is what is unique and interesting about the Seki Seminar: it is left to the students to decide what they want to do.

 I also found that the situation is not all doom and gloom. The small size of the group allows us to listen carefully to everyone's opinions, and the tempo of the discussions is good; we are truly an elite few.

 The ability to introduce oneself and disclose one's own views is also unique to a small group. (Self-disclosure is one of the main activities of the Seki Seminar in the second half of the fiscal year 2021. ) The students are encouraged to dig deep into themselves to the utmost limit and to deepen themselves further by asking for feedback through their presentations on what they want the seminar students to learn from them while relating their past experiences. Only one person is allowed to self-disclose in each class. (That is how much time is spent on self-discovery.) To work at a high tempo with a small group of elite students, it is most important to get to know others.


2022年1月16日 2021年度下半期の関ゼミ活動内容について








  1. ライフヒストリー紹介


  1. AAEEのイベントでの発表


  1. ゼミ研究発表会




  1. マルチ・カルチュラル・フェスティバル応援


  1. クリスマス・イベント

