2022年6月28日 関ゼミナール主催の講演会
2022年6月28日は“OKバジ”こと垣見一雅(かきみ かずまさ)さんを迎えて講演会を行いました。垣見さんは御年83歳ですが、その歳を思わせない喋りと動きに驚きました。同日の関先生が担当している異文化コミュニケーション論の講義でも垣見さんはゲストとして登壇。その後、関ゼミにお越しくださいました。
On June 28, 2022, we welcomed Kazumasa Kakimi, a.k.a. "OK Bajaj," for a lecture. Mr. Kakimi is 83 years old, but I was amazed by his age-defying speech and movements. On the same day, Mr. Kakimi was also a guest speaker at Prof. Seki's lecture on cross-cultural communication. Afterward, she visited the Seki Seminar.
At the seminar, we asked him questions on the theme of well-being. Since there were many participants from outside the seminar and some of them had never heard of the concept of wellbeing before, Horiuchi started the lecture with an explanation about wellbeing at the beginning.
The lecture lasted about 100 minutes. The lecture was not only a closed Q&A session between Mr. Kakimi and the participants but also a Q&A session and exchange of opinions among the participants, which I believe made for a fruitful conclusion to the lecture.