2022年9月27日、10月4日 ゼミ研究報告会へ向けて



 In the first (9/27) and second (10/4) seminars of the second semester, we discussed the seminar research report meeting in December and decided on a policy to conduct an international survey on wellbeing, which we had deepened our understanding of in the first semester, and to report what we had learned in the first semester and the results of our research. However, there were some flaws in the survey, such as questions about money and other questions that clearly differed between cultures, and the language settings of the questions were not consistent. The seminar students discussed and reviewed the questions and reworked them. In addition to the content of the questions, discussions were also held to determine the target of the survey, the number of people in the population, whether the necessary literature was available, and so on.

We are also planning to hold a lecture meeting at the same time as the international survey and will update this blog as soon as there is any progress.

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎)



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)
