2022年4月5日、12日 前期の活動方針に関して






On April 5 and 12, 2022, Seki Seminar held a discussion on the axis of activities for the first semester and self-introduction and self-disclosure by the seminar leader, Mr. Horiuchi.

 The fiscal year 2022 started with an unusually small number of seminar students (four) at the Seki Seminar.

Following last year and the year before last, the Seki Seminar has been affected by the coronavirus to such an extent that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the most affected seminar on campus. We have learned that we will not be able to conduct our main activity, overseas training, again this year. We discussed how the Seki Seminar will carry out its activities amid this headwind. To set concrete goals, we came up with ideas such as entering contests, organizing events, focusing on the concept of well-being, and exchanging ideas with overseas students online, but each member was asked to think again. Here is what is unique and interesting about the Seki Seminar: it is left to the students to decide what they want to do.

 I also found that the situation is not all doom and gloom. The small size of the group allows us to listen carefully to everyone's opinions, and the tempo of the discussions is good; we are truly an elite few.

 The ability to introduce oneself and disclose one's own views is also unique to a small group. (Self-disclosure is one of the main activities of the Seki Seminar in the second half of the fiscal year 2021. ) The students are encouraged to dig deep into themselves to the utmost limit and to deepen themselves further by asking for feedback through their presentations on what they want the seminar students to learn from them while relating their past experiences. Only one person is allowed to self-disclose in each class. (That is how much time is spent on self-discovery.) To work at a high tempo with a small group of elite students, it is most important to get to know others.




異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

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