2022年11月29日、12月6日 挑戦の1週間















「それでは、関 明典ゼミナールの発表を始めさせて頂きます。」













 Last year's seminar research report meeting was tough because the preparations started about a week before the meeting."

I was not surprised by anything I heard from a third-year student, Mr. Toukan.

At this year's Seki Seminar, I was fortunate to have many opportunities to meet with Seki Seminar alumni and OGs, and each time I heard. The seminar research debriefing was tough." And.

I decided to rewrite that history. I made up my mind three weeks before the seminar debriefing.

From there, I began my research and started typing words into a Word file with great enthusiasm.

On the 15th, during the seminar, I was in the middle of my research, so I showed him the manuscript I had finished, and he said to Prof. Seki, "This is not a presentation.

This is not a presentation.

This is not a presentation. I couldn't help but parrot his words.

I couldn't help but parrot back, "This is a redo, isn't it? I forgot the emotion of laughter and stood there in a daze.

The word "redo" is terrifying. With just five words, the meaning of all the hours of sleep I had lost so far was lost, and at the same time, the hours of sleep I would lose in the future would be lost as well.

November 22, two weeks until the seminar research report meeting. My mind swirls with impatience at not being able to finish and anger at my past self as to why I had not prepared until now.

The slides we managed to complete in such a situation were everything to the seminar students. In fact, I did not remove the slides from my field of vision during the time my eyes were free.

Now, please give your presentation."

Seki-sensei's voice quickened my heartbeat.

Then I will begin the presentation of the Akinori Seki Seminar."

Mr. Azuma's voice echoed.

Perhaps due to the repeated meetings, there were no major mistakes in the presentation.

Thank you for your hard work.

After the presentation was over, we took a breath when Mr. Seki said to us, "Now, let me point out a few things.

Now, let me point out a few things."

It was like a roller coaster ride. We were shattered by the words that were unleashed from there like a machine gun.

It was one week before the seminar research report meeting. There was no time to be depressed. I contacted Mr. Azuma more than my mother who lived apart from me. Of course, the content was all about the seminar research report meeting.

I remember that I felt more nervous than ever in the last seminar before the seminar report meeting. Even Mr. Seki said to me, "You seem to be in a hurry, Mr. Kiri. I wonder if human beings have an aura when they are in a hurry.

I finished my presentation. In this way, everyone said, "You did a great job! I was impressed!" and words like those of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. But what was Seki's first comment?

First of all, I'd like to talk about this point..."

This is the reality.

The seminar's final debriefing will be held on Saturday, December 10 at 13:30. It is face-to-face only, so I hope you will come to the university.

(文責:経済学部2年 戸崎 瞭)



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)
