ネパール研修 Mero Sathi Project 2024 総括






Our seminar conducted a 12-day overseas program in Nepal, where we engaged in various activities alongside local students, gaining valuable insights into their culture and people. During the trip, we had the opportunity to visit a United Nations agency and learn about social issues from an international perspective. We also visited a village and experienced local life through home stays while conducting a survey on happiness.

Amid the deepening bonds within our group, there were moments when sparks of romance seemed to appear as people developed new feelings in the unfamiliar environment. It was a fulfilling and enjoyable time for all.

However, we also faced challenges. Some members, unfortunately, contracted COVID-19 and couldn't participate in the village activities, which left them feeling frustrated. Others shed tears, struggling emotionally during the trip. Despite these hardships, we feel the experience strengthened our team bond. On the last day, many members were in tears during the farewell party.

The experiences and friendships we gained from this trip will undoubtedly remain with us forever. We plan to compile a detailed report of each day’s activities soon, so please look forward to that!



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)
