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At the meeting, Seki Sensei gave a plain explanation of the activities in the second term, but as I listened to the explanation, there was something that had been nagging at the back of my mind for a long time, and I couldn't help but say it out loud.

‘Was the “Thinking about diversity” video production activity we did in the first term really meaningful?’ During the training in Nepal, some of the seminar students told me that they might not participate in the second term of the seminar... I think the reason for that was that they felt the activities of the first term were not good enough.’

Hearing these words, Seki explained how the content of the seminar had been kept light and then said, ‘If it's not enough, you can add as much content as you want. But do people really want that?’ He asked back. He then began to trace the past activities of the Seki Seminar through Zoom screen sharing, tracing back to the Seki Seminar's website. We were surprised to see a tremendous array of activities there that we had never experienced before. After looking at all the past activities, I said, ‘What we want to do is to win awards and create our own events in the contests that were held from 2009 to 2019, before Corona!’ I couldn't help but shout out.

This was because we honestly felt frustrated that our past seniors had also participated in training in Nepal and Vietnam and were quite energetic with their experiences and other activities, whereas we were not involved in such initiatives. Our hearts flared up and we proposed to Prof Seki to make it a ‘Gachi-Zemi’ and spent two hours persuading him to do so. 'For you, it may be an annual seminar, but for us, it's a once-in-a-lifetime seminar. We ask for your kind cooperation.’ As if overcome by our desperate persuasion, the teacher said, ‘If you insist that much... but don't forget that we came up with the idea ourselves.’ And then he agreed. At this moment, it was decided that the 2024 Seki Seminar would be ‘gachi seminar-ised’.

The next day, he shared this proposal with the other seminar students and was able to obtain consent from all of them. However, when he reported everyone's agreement to Seki Sensei on line, the response he received was unexpected.




‘Give me five minutes of your time.’ 

‘Everyone doesn't know what's going to happen now...’ 

‘Will everyone be able to stand it...’


The leader and I were puzzled. Why (after agreeing to it last night) is the teacher now showing hesitation to make it into a gachi seminar...?

In the end, due to the teacher's unintelligible hesitation, we had to face the class time of the seminar without a clear answer as to whether or not the Gachi-Zemi would really be realized. Before the seminar started, we locked Seki Sensei out of the classroom and discussed the ‘gachi seminar-isation’ with the seminar students alone. Many of the members still felt that the activities of the first term were not enough, and again we all came to the conclusion that we were all in favor of making it a Gachi-Zemi.

Then, on 24 September 2024. We started the second term of seminar activities as GACHI-ZEEMI.



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)
