
(English version below)


今回のイベントのテーマは「学生だからこそできる国際協力とは」です。学生が主体となり、学生にしか出来ない国際交流や支援活動について考えていく素晴らしいテーマに基づいたイベントとなりました。内容としては今年の2月と3月に行われた「Mero Sathi Project 2019」での活動報告を実際に現地に行った方々から聞くことができました。


3月の報告では「Mero Sathi Project」のビッグプロジェクトのひとつである、「ヤギ小屋プロジェクト」の報告をしてくれました。これに関わったメンバーは貧困で苦しんでいるネパールの人たちのために、自分たちでためたお金を元手に「ヤギ小屋」というのを作りその収益をネパールの学校の教育費に当てるという普通の人では考えられないようなことを達成しました。「なぜ、そこまでこのプロジェクトに熱心に取り組めるのか?」という質問に彼らは、「自分たちはネパールの人たちのためにやってあげていると考えるのでなく、この活動を通して学ばせてもらっていると考えている。」という言葉に感銘を受けました。



On May 11th, we participated in the event held by AAEE, Asia Association of Education and Exchange and Seki Seminar, Tokyo Keizai University. (Our professor works as a president of AAEE). This event was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Japan, and Japan Agency of International Cooperation (JICA). Seki seminar had conducted a lot of activities together with AAEE. They are good opportunities for us to promote friendship and cooperation with students from different universities in Japan and in other Asian countries.

The main purpose of the event was to reflect on the Mero Sathi Project, which AAEE conducted in February and March this year.
The theme of the project in February was `happiness‘. 6 Japanese and Nepalese students discussed and did research together for 2 weeks in order to find what happiness means for them and people who they interviewed in Nepal. We were really attracted to the topic. The research shows that happiness can be found and felt in our daily life. Also, We learned that happiness will not come to us if we just wait for it, but happiness is something we should try to find in our own life. The research pointed out that Nepalese people are better at feeling happy in their daily life. We should learn from them.

The theme of the March project was to build a goat shelter for the victims of the earthquake which hit Nepal in 2015. We were very surprised at the accomplishment they had achieved. In Japan, they worked so hard to earn money both for their travel expense to Nepal and for the goat shelter. The amount is not cheap at all. Also, they created an excellent system so that the profit coming from the goat raising project could support both the victims of the earthquake and the local school. We were really impressed by their comment, “It is true that we went to Nepal to support people there. However, it resulted in learning so many important things from the people there.

In a group discussion, we discussed “Which is more important,  economic growth or conserving traditional culture?” It was difficult to choose one of them because both of them were important thinking of the current situation of Nepal. But each group tried hard to express their opinions.

Seki Seminar will hold an overseas study program in Nepal this September, and the main them us ‘Happiness’. Therefore, attending the event this time motivated us at. We deeply appreciate AAEE members for providing us with such a wonderful opportunity.



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)

ネパール研修 Mero Sathi Project 2024 総括