
(English follows below)





Reflection on TKU Seki Seminar (4) “Connection with people beyond the border”

We met thousands of people through this Seki seminar for a year. Not only in the university but also all over the world especially in Asian countries. This entire year, we felt the “connection” of people.

The first “connection” was the member of Seki seminar. We have been cooperated preparing for many events that we had done so far. We always supported each other at difficult times. Also, we shared the happiest moments together.

Secondly, through our seminar oversea program, we met a lot of wonderful local students, coordinators who supported our program, the kind host families, and the warm-hearted villagers.
Especially, we built up a deep relationship with the Nepali students who participated in the Mero Sathi Project together with us.
We worked hard for so many activities and had chatted about silly things. We also discussed different topics until late in the evening and spent all the time together for 2 weeks. On the last day, it was hard to say good bye... But we promised to see each other again.
To think about “connection”, to meet with Mr.Seki was the beginning of this whole year. If we didn’t meet him, we couldn’t have had such amazing experiences throughout the year.

Seki seminar opened our eyes to the world. Thanks to the seminar we were connected with so many people with a variety of nationalities, cultures, and senses of value, and genders.



異文化コミュニケーション基礎編1 「見える文化、見えない文化」

突撃取材!AAEE10周年記念イベント(5月12日@JICA地球ひろば 外務省後援)

ネパール研修 Mero Sathi Project 2024 総括