関ゼミが「TKU ENGLISH FAIR」を主催します!7月6日(木)お楽しみに!
(English follows below)
TKU ENGLISH FAIR ~東経大の英語の全てがわかる~ を開催!!!
7月6日(木)関昭典ゼミナールがTKU ENGLISH FAIR を開催します。東経大の英語の施設、制度などを本学の学生に更に知ってもらい、各々の英語力を大学生活で強くする目的です。グローバルキャリアプログラム、コトパティオ、アドバンスイングリッシュコースなどを関ゼミ生の体験談を元に紹介します。
July 6th at Tokyo Keizai university
Seki Seminar will be running an event called TKU ENGLISH FAIR. We'd like students here to know about all of the English facilities at TKU, and how they can use them to become great English speakers. You will be able to hear about the Global Career Program, Cotopatio, the Advanced English Course, and more based on Seki Seminar students' experiences.
TKU ENGLISH FAIR ~東経大の英語の全てがわかる~ を開催!!!
東京経済大学の英語・留学システムを総ざらいします! |
July 6th at Tokyo Keizai university
Seki Seminar will be running an event called TKU ENGLISH FAIR. We'd like students here to know about all of the English facilities at TKU, and how they can use them to become great English speakers. You will be able to hear about the Global Career Program, Cotopatio, the Advanced English Course, and more based on Seki Seminar students' experiences.